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So far webmaster has created 185 blog entries.

Reproductive performance of dairy farms in the last 3 years in Europe.


Reproductive performance of dairy farms in the last 3 years in Europe. As we explained in our previous paper, there is a unique dataset of dairy farms in Europe that have joined the farm comparison project of UNIFORM-Agri. With this dataset we can look at how these farm’s change over a period. We [...]

Reproductive performance of dairy farms in the last 3 years in Europe.2023-06-27T12:31:38+02:00

Animal Record


Animal record In this movie we show the various pages we have on Animal Record. How to edit the information, the print preview, how to take a look at the calendar, milk recordings (based on milk meter, milk recordings, lactations), pedigree (how to see the family tree) and how to check health conditions and movements. [...]

Animal Record2023-03-23T11:49:21+01:00

Reports: ProAction


Reports: ProAction Whether you are a UNIFORM-Agri client or not, you can join this webinar to learn about all ProAction-related reports in UNIFORM. Here are some of the topics we will cover: 1. Overview 2. Verification to do before an inspection 3. Question period If you need more help, please [...]

Reports: ProAction2022-07-11T12:35:00+02:00

Holstein Canada & Dairytrace


Holstein Canada & DairyTrace Whether you are a UNIFORM-Agri client or not, you can join this webinar to learn more about 2 very popular UNIFORM modules: Holstein Canada & DairyTrace. Here are some of the topics we will cover: 1. Setting up & verifications 2. Using the modules 3. Question period [...]

Holstein Canada & Dairytrace2023-03-29T08:28:08+02:00

Dutch Dairy Farming


Dutch Dairy Farming IS YOUR BUCKET HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY?The small, giant Netherlands as a reference to Brazilian Farmers The Netherlands, along with many other European countries passed through important phases related to the progression of dairy farming. Though it has faced huge challenges, such as milk quotas, the Netherlands is a reference [...]

Dutch Dairy Farming2023-06-27T13:00:54+02:00

Internet of things


Internet of Things Innovation in agriculture is constant and necessary for the sake of productive efficiency. We currently work with highly specialized hardware and standalone equipment that are extremely efficient with real-time information gathering. Today the maximum production on several farms has been achieved thanks to agriculture 4.0 which aims to collect, integrate [...]

Internet of things2023-06-27T12:59:08+02:00

Conception rate: how to analyze


Conception Rate: how to analyze? All milk producers certainly have a similar desire "to have pregnant cows". This is obvious considering the product that brings the money, milk, comes after calving. However, it is important to emphasize that herd fertility is a matter that requires a lot of attention as several variables interfere the [...]

Conception rate: how to analyze2023-06-27T13:14:35+02:00

The new era of dairy farming


The new era of dairy farming A projection for the population by 2050 is that we reach 9.7 billion people on earth, approximately 2 billion more people to feed. In order to make this growing demand possible in modern times, farmers have to become real entrepreneurs who use technology to be increasingly competitive and [...]

The new era of dairy farming2023-06-27T13:09:34+02:00

International Farm Comparison Project


International Farm Comparison Project Dairy farming has developed over recent years into a more professional and intensive process. There are still many differences among regions around the world. UNIFORM-Agri is one of the top dairy herd management software packages on the market. UNIFORM works as a centralized data hub, linking to many other on-farm [...]

International Farm Comparison Project2023-06-27T13:13:47+02:00

Estimated serving time


Estimated Serving Time In UNIFORM it is possible to let the program make an estimated serving date, when a cow for example has been with a bull. This estimated serving date will be added when in daily event the cow will be declared pregnant. For doing this, there are a few steps to [...]

Estimated serving time2023-10-16T14:15:28+02:00
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