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So far webmaster has created 185 blog entries.

Budget Forecast


Budget Forecast This month we look at the new Budget Forecast Report, a key report in the Costings module that allows you to do a two year prediction of income and expenditure. You can learn more about this module in the attached movie. If you need more help, [...]

Budget Forecast2023-03-24T14:29:43+01:00



UNIFORM-App This month we take you through all the functionality in our UNIFORM App. We will show you how easy it is for you to now enter data and access your herd records away anywhere on the farm and then synch it with your office PC. If you [...]

UNIFORM App2023-03-24T14:30:21+01:00

Fertility Reporting and US KPI Pregnancy Rates


Fertility Report - USA KPI's In this movie we are looking at the Fertility Reporting options in your UNIFORM Professional program. We will take you through the different types of reports and show you how to customise them for your individual farm. We will also show you the US KPI Fertility Module which is [...]

Fertility Reporting and US KPI Pregnancy Rates2023-03-24T14:48:15+01:00

Culling Analysis


Culling Analysis In this movie we are looking at how we can produce reports that show the reasons that animals left the Herd, their Age, stage of lactation and average lifetime production. All this information is found in the Culling Analysis report that is part of the Costings Module”. [...]

Culling Analysis2023-03-24T14:50:05+01:00

Increase and decrease


Feed Calculation - Increase and Decrease In this movie we take a look at the functionality in the Increase – Decrease section of Feed Calculation If you need more help, please contact our helpdesk. For more information on our program, you can also read our tips from the [...]

Increase and decrease2023-03-24T16:04:47+01:00

Cell Count Analysis


Cell Count Analysis In this movie we look at how to use the cell count analysis report to monitor and manage the herd’s somatic cell count performance. If you need more help, please contact our helpdesk. For more information on our program, you can also read our tips [...]

Cell Count Analysis2023-03-24T16:05:39+01:00

Treatment plans


Treatment Plans In this movie we take a look at how easy it is to setup and use a Treatment Plan when Drying Cows Off. If you need more help, please contact our helpdesk. For more information on our program, you can also read our tips from the [...]

Treatment plans2023-03-24T16:07:15+01:00

Action Scheduler


Action Scheduler In this movie we would like to show you how to create your own Action Scheduler report and include it on your Herdsman’s Action List and Dashboard. This report will highlight cows requiring attention to help you with your daily administration and we will also show you a quick way of entering [...]

Action Scheduler2023-03-24T14:46:41+01:00



Dashboard This movie explains the latest functionality that you can find in your version 5 Dashboard. We show how you can produce and quickly print off a list of all the cows in a particular status. We show the new warning thresholds on the action lists, so you can highlight cows where events are [...]


Vaccination Program


Vaccination Program In this movie we will be looking at setting up a Vaccination Program. The movie is a step by step guide on how to set up a vaccination program and also shows where the information can be easily accessed and how easy it is to enter the vaccination once it has been [...]

Vaccination Program2023-03-24T16:18:20+01:00
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