About webmaster

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So far webmaster has created 185 blog entries.

Animal Record


Animal record In this movie we show the various pages we have on Animal Record. How to edit the information, the print preview, how to take a look at the calendar, milk recordings (based on milk meter, milk recordings, lactations), pedigree (how to see the family tree) and how to check health conditions and [...]

Animal Record2024-09-20T13:00:32+02:00

Action Calendar


Action Calendar The action calendar in the UNIFORM-Management program gives you insight into which activities have to be done per day of the week. This is useful when the vet comes over or when you hand over the work to someone else or if you just want to see for yourself what activities [...]

Action Calendar2024-09-20T13:13:14+02:00

Farm Comparison Setup


Farm Comparison set up This demo video shows you how to properly configure the comparison of your livestock with similar ones, from the same country... or not. The configuration is very simple, it is done in 4 steps and once done, it will allow you to compare your livestock with others and see [...]

Farm Comparison Setup2024-09-20T13:14:03+02:00

Health event analysis


Health event Analysis Health event analysis is a new part of the UNIFORM program that analyzes the frequency of diseases at various levels. You can see how often a certain disease is registered in a month, by days in milk, and by lactation number. For additional support, [...]

Health event analysis2024-09-20T13:26:06+02:00
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