About Bertine Peltjes

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So far Bertine Peltjes has created 371 blog entries.

Report writer


Report writer Report writer is a handy module when you get the need to create a user defined report. In this movie we explain you briefly how to extract those reports from you UNIFORM software.   If you need more help, please contact our helpdesk. For more information on [...]

Report writer2024-09-19T13:09:20+02:00

Production analyses of dairy farms in the last three years


Production analyses of dairy farms in the last 3 years in Europe The Dataset we use for these analyses and benchmark are a unique set of data from dairy farmers who all use the UNIFORM software for many years in 4 different countries. All the farmers participate in the farm comparison and send [...]

Production analyses of dairy farms in the last three years2023-06-29T09:57:50+02:00

Reproductive performance of dairy farms in the last 3 years in Europe


Reproductive performance of dairy farms in the last 3 years in Europe. As we explained in our previous paper, there is a unique dataset of dairy farms in Europe that have joined the farm comparison project of UNIFORM-Agri. With this dataset we can look at how these farm’s change over a period. We [...]

Reproductive performance of dairy farms in the last 3 years in Europe2022-07-11T12:35:00+02:00

Development of dairy farms in the last 3 years Europe


Development of dairy farms in the last 3 years Europe There is a unique dataset of dairy farms in Europe that join the farm comparison of UNIFORM-Agri. With these datasets we can look at how the farms change because we can follow an exact group of farms and their data. We totally [...]

Development of dairy farms in the last 3 years Europe2023-06-29T10:05:56+02:00

Animal Transfer Module


Animal Transfer Module In this video of our UK webinar we will take you through the animal transfer module. In this module you can buy animals, or sell animals to other UNIFORM users. Take a look at it yourself! If you need more help, please contact our [...]

Animal Transfer Module2023-10-04T14:50:14+02:00
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