Solution for milk test companies – Milk Test Manager (MTM)
The Milk Test Manager program (MTM) was developed for milk test organizations to be able to process milk test data and provide the results to the farms. It combines the lab results with the other required data to generate an official milk test result file or document.
The database of the program runs on a server in the cloud. The milk test organization has a desktop client to enter/process/modify/delete data. The web interface uses a REST API to log in with credentials on the server, and the sampling app will use an API to synchronize data(app can be used offline).
Milk Testing Manager can be modified to the reporting preferences and working methods of the milk test organization and/or it’s country when it is sold.
Sample process in Milk Testing Manager:
Contact our sales team today to discover how our Milk Testing Manager
can support your organization in delivering accurate and timely milk recording data to farmers!