Reginald Dillman, Musqie Valley Farms, Canada

“This was one of the best moves we have made on our farm in many years
when it comes to managing every aspect of our herd.”
Our largest gain from the use of this software has been on our reproduction. The constant reminder of the status of the herds reproductive performance on the dashboard has encouraged us to do a better job everyday on making sure each individual cow gets the care they need to be reproductively efficient. Whether its watching the Pd- box or checking the Open box to makes sure all cows over 50 days have received a first service or having the constant reminder of our Overall Pregnancy Rate. This at our finger tip knowledge has had a large impact on the reproductive efficiency and performance of our herd.
We look forward to working with the UNIFORM-Agri team to set us up to automatically download to the Dairytrace platform so we can cross that daunting and often forgotten about task of keeping ourselves current with our traceability requirements.
Thanks again Matt for bringing UNIFORM-Agri to our attention and making it an important staple in our operation.